
Intramanual Muscular Therapy

There are different styles of Dry Needling and BE Fit uses the myofascial trigger point release method. This method is a safe effective technique that uses fine acupuncture needles to release tight bands of the muscle that cause pain locally or in other areas of the body.  The purpose of the dry needling is to reduce or eliminate pain, increase motion, and assist in restoring function.  Most people can receive this type of treatment, but if they cannot, then similar benefits may be able to be achieved with hands on treatment or other instrument-assisted techniques using metal massage tools that are not invasive.

Linda Smith-Blais, David Barlow, and Steven Mann all are trained in performing myofascial trigger point release via the dry needling technique.  Currently Linda Smith-Blais, PT and David Barlow DPT, OCS are the only staff members performing myofascial trigger point release via the dry needling technique.  Linda received her training with one of the leading Myofasical Pain and Dry Needling experts in this field, Jan Dommerholt DPT, MPS.  She attended the Janet Travell, MD Series TM completing 103 hours of class time and has been practicing this technique since 2007.  David started exploring the dry needling technique in 2015.  He currently focuses his treatment to upper back, neck, and extremities.  Steven added this training to his repertoire in 2016 and makes it available at both of our clinic locations.